History of the University of Georgia by Thomas Walter Reed

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Digital Library of Georgia <http://dlg.galileo.usg.edu/>

Reed, Thomas Walter

The site offers access to the scanned images of the unpublished typescript of Thomas W. Reed's "History of the University of Georgia" (19 vols., 4027 pages), written ca. 1946. "From 1885 to 1950, Thomas Walter Reed was an eyewitness to much of the University of Georgia's history, as well as one of the best-loved members of the campus community. Retiring as Registrar in 1945, he began to draft a monumental history of the University. As Reed presented his typescript draft to the University in 1948 he noted, "It is not such as I would call anything like a finished piece of work, but it may do some good to file it away." Even without revisions, Reed's history has long been a favorite of researchers in the Hargrett Rare Book & Manuscript Library at the University of Georgia Main Library." [self-description]
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Technische Bereitstellung

The Digital Library of Georgia: Athens, US (GA) <http://dlg.galileo.usg.edu/>



United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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